Hello everyone and welcome to On the Cutting Floor. This is the Ashley Kimono Shirt testers’ roundup post.
First of all, I wanted to thank you all the people involved on this testing process. It has been an exhausting but very rewarding project.
THE PATTERN: The Ashley Kimono Shirt and Dress pattern
This shirt and dress pattern has been, so far, the most successful pattern released for DGpatterns. I was so glad and amazed by your response! Thank you to all of you who have purchased one <3
The testers` roundup
Here you will see all the amazing projects the Ashley kimono shirt have made and how they have added their own unique details. I love every single one of them, since they have helped me to see the pattern in perspective and fine tuned a few aspects of its construction and drafting.
Sylvia has been testing my pattern for a long time and her creations are always amazing. She has made this time the View D of the pattern.
Peg: This is the first time Peg tested for DG Patterns, but it certainly not the last one.
Pam has also been with us for some time. Her thorough testing and always helpful approach is invaluable to us. She has made her VIEW B of the Ashley shirt.
Elaine has made view A of the shirt and she has made it with snaps instead of buttons. I love the black and white look of it!
Pretty details from the undercollar. I love to find all those extra details that make a garment so unique.
Christina has made a great blouse by using VIEW A of the pattern. She has help us with a few details on the pattern and that we have changed on the final file.
I love this fabric! Kristin made view B of the Ashley shirt.
Thank you for reading this post. If you want to know more about the PDF pattern, you can visit the the post here
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