Hello guys,
Thanks for visiting my blog today. This is the Blog Income Report for February 2015.
It is the end of Winter around here and it really feels like Spring is in the air.
As I mentioned before, On the Cutting Floor was in the process of a face lifting: New blog, new logos, new look.
This was one of the goals I set myself for 2015: I wanted my blog to be self hosted on wordpress.org. I decided to work with bluehost and it has been a breeze: The 24/7 customer service is always ready to help and the platform is self explanatory. Believe me, I have worked with Weebly, Blogger, Wix, and Godaddy and Bluehost service is way better. It is actually the service I want to have for the rest of my blogging career.
However, it has taken me longer than expected. An update here from last month: I have ended up doing the whole ”blog migration” by myself.
I has been very tough, but I know it is something that I HAVE to do, seriously.
The funny thing is, after reading so many online tutorials of how to migrate your blog from Weebly to wordpress, I found my own way (pst and an extremely easy one, so I will share it with you in the future 😉 )
Let’s see the report now:
The traffic has been a bit lower than last month, mainly because I had no time to post regularly AND work on my website updates. It is a shame and I can’t wait to start posting every week!
In terms of traffic sources, Pinterest continues to be the bread-winner of this blog.
And the same good ol’ popular post…
Adsense: 368.39
Freelance: 200
Sponsored Posts: 60
Total: 2149
Contributors: 60
Facebook: 183.00
Supplies: 121.00
Total: 367.00
Total earnings:
And that’s all for today.
Thanks for visiting us!
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