Hello there,
Thank you for visiting On the Cutting Floor. This is the SEWING TUTORIAL: How to Gather Knits
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This is my tutorial of how to gather knits.It is also a sneak peek of the contribution I will be making to Mabey she made it.
Lisa was very generous to invite me to show a tutorial on her website.
So, I will be heading that way in a couple of weeks. For now, I will show you how to gather knit fabric, and woven fabric, as well.
This week, I will show you how to gather WITH the gathering foot. Pretty easy, actually.
So, I will be heading that way in a couple of weeks. For now, I will show you how to gather knit fabric, and woven fabric, as well.
This week, I will show you how to gather WITH the gathering foot. Pretty easy, actually.
Disclosure:This is the way I USE. I am sure there must be a ”correct” way to make it out there, or certainly a faster, nicer, easier way too. However, I have tried this one, and it worked perfectly for me. So I hope it helps you 🙂
With the Gathering Foot
Very affordable piece (4 to 6 dollars) and it will make your gathering so much easier!
1. Place your gathering foot on the sewing machine.
2. Place the fabric on the sewing machine and start sewing. It is that easy.Now, if you want to make gathering like the ones in the picture (one side gathered and the other side normal) place the longest piece of fabric at the bottom- this is the one that will gather.For better results, the longest piece should double the length of the shortest piece
2. Place the shortest piece of fabric on the top slit on the gathering foot.
3. Start sewing. When finished, this is how it will look on the wrong side.
Working with knits
4. For knits, you will need to make a second line with a zig zag stitch. Then, remove the original straight stitch.
And that’s all for today. I will add next week how to make gathers without the gathering foot, as well.Stay tuned!
Maybe it’s me, but the last 2 pictures in this post aren’t displaying for me. (steps 3 & 4)
Thanks for letting me know 🙂
I will check them ASAP