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Quick and Easy Pizza Bites
This fun and easy Pizza Bites recipe will soon become your favorite Friday Dinner to share with your family.
They are super simple to make, and kids love how easy it is to grab a few.?
Servings: 4
- 1 1/2 tablespoon of instant yeast
- 1 1/4 cup of lukewarm water
- 1/4 cup of margarine
- salt to taste
Place the yeast in a cup together with 1/4 cup of lukewarm water
Let it sit for 5 minutes
Meanwhile, add the flour, salt and margarine to a bowl
Mix well and add the yeast to the mixture.
Then, add a bit of the remaining water until you create a homogeneous dough
Let it sit for at least 3 hours. After that time, you will be ready to knead the dough for 5 minutes and create 7 SMALL CIRCLES
- 7 small mushrooms
- 1 teaspoon of margarine
- 4 green onions
- 1 1/2 cup of shredded cheese
- Preheat oven at 375*
- Add the margarine to a small saucepan
- Cut and cook the mushrooms on it, in a medium high heat for 5 minutes
- Add the green onions and let it cook for 2 more minutes
- Roll the dough and create 7 flat circles
- Add the mushrooms and green onions to the dough and close it making small balls
- Place them on an oven sheet together making a circle and leaving the center empty. You would love to add a special dip for your bites :p
- place them in the oven for about 15 minutes
And it is ready!
I really hope you enjoyed this post and try the recipe soon!
See you next time.
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