Save $2000 Per Year : Free Printable Template
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This is the Save $2000 Per Year : Free Printable Template
Learn today how to save 2 thousand dollars a year with a simple weekly saving plan; this post will help you to add up to $2ooo dollars a year with a step by step weekly saving plan.
This post will also provide with a free PDF printable template
- SIMPLE TO SAVE: With a printable template that you can check and regularly see on your desk, it is easier to check your progress and your savings. This takes as to the next point:
- EASY TO STAY FOCUSED: When you have a tangible, on hand document, it is easy to stay focus because you will feel like you want to finish and be successful.
- CHALLENGING AND MEANINGFUL: A printable template will make you stay on your plan. You will see the challenge of keep the savings growing and how this will be yours at the end of the year. It is a great idea to have a written goal (vacation?, home renovation?) written on your document, as well.
- SET ACCOUNTABILITY ON YOUR OWN GOALS: You would not like to loose, right? Sometimes, when I missed a weekly payment, I feel so bad that I double the amount the week after that, to make up for the missing amount.
- CREATES AN IMMEDIATE SENSE OF SATISFACTION: You will feel immediately happier and satisfied with your plan, that it will make it happen, believe me 🙂
Thank you for visiting us today and remember to share our tips with your friends and family 🙂
See you next time!
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