FREE PRINTABLE: Make, Do and Mend
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This is a free printable o Make, Do and Mend. Its letter size and you can easily frame it for your sewing space or use it as a gift card for a Sewing Buddy 😀
Make, Do and Mend was a program introduced during World War II to reduce the use of fabric and free up space for war related production.
People were encouraged to mend and hand-repaired their clothing. This helped people to become very creative in the use of fabric and how to re purpose all clothes into something wearable.
The download of this poster is free, you can click on the button below and you will re-direct to my Payhip store. Click the button BUY NOW on it (don’t worry, you are not buying it really!)
Then, the program will ask you for an email, so the file can be sent.
The emails enter there have never been used for marketing or selling purposes. If you want to stay in contact with us, please feel free to sign for the newsletter instead.
Happy sewing!