Hello there,
Thank you for visiting On the Cutting Floor. This is the Sewing Tutorial: FREE SEWING PATTERN: THE FOXY PAJAMA
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We also have an ETSY STORE, where you will find unique and modern sewing pattern for women.
They are on letter size paper.To print this pattern, go the PDF document.
Select FILE — PRINT.
Here look for PAGE SIZING AND HANDLING and choose POSTER.
This will make the pages to overlap by 0.5 cms. Press PRINT.
Wait until all the pages are printed before taking them from the printer; it will make it easier to assemble.It will print 21 pages.
When finished printing, place the pages as the layout below.
Then use tape to put them together. Now cut the pieces.This will be the layout of the pattern:
2 years: red
3 years: green
4 years: blue
5 years: orange
6 years: purple
7 years: yellow
8 years: pink
2. Scissors
3. Marker
4. Pins
5. elastic thread
6. 1/2 yard of bias tape
Fabric 2 to 3 yards of Flannel
Yardage Calculation:
I used two yards for a size 4.
Not sure about the measurements? Check this body size chart to get a better idea.