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This is the FREE SEWING PATTERN: easy pajama pattern
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FREE SEWING PATTERN: easy pajama pattern
These is my new pyjama pants for kids sizes 12M to 8T.
I wanted to make something cosy and practical to wear indoors since winter is almost here (sign).
I have based this pattern on my Cargo Pants one but with big changes:The legs are 2 inches longer to give space for the hemline.
The crotch area is deeper.
The crotch area is deeper.
The pajama pants set higher on the waist.The Fabric:I bought the monkey flannel fabric on my local fabric store and I has not been able to find it on-line.
However, these are great ideas for pajamas as well! (psst I will be working on a whole project for it very soon!)
Some Pictures?
Select FILE — PRINT.Here look for PAGE SIZING AND HANDLING and choose POSTER.
This will make the pages to overlap by 0.5 cms.
Press PRINT.Wait until all the pages are printed before taking them from the printer; it will make it easier to assemble.It will print 9 pages.
When finished printing, place the pages as the layout below. Then use tape to put them together. Now cut the pieces.This will be the layout of the pattern
Sometimes, there are problems with the printing process and the patterns come in the wrong size (a little bit smaller). To avoid this, check the 1 inch square at the top left of the first page.
It will help you to see if the patterns are the correct size. The PDF pattern comes in sizes 1 to 8 years; it is color-coded and easy to cut.The colors for each size are:
1 year: black
2 years: red
3 years: green
4 years: blue
5 years: orange
6 years: purple
7 years: yellow
8 years: pink
2 years: red
3 years: green
4 years: blue
5 years: orange
6 years: purple
7 years: yellow
8 years: pink
This pattern comes with a 5/8 inch seam allowance, unless indicated otherwise.
1. Printed pattern
2. Scissors
3. Marker
4. Pins
5. elastic thread
2. Scissors
3. Marker
4. Pins
5. elastic thread
1 to 1 1/2 yard of Flannel
Yardage Calculation:
I would recommend using your patterns in order to calculate the amount of fabric you will need. I used 1 yard for the main fabric (size 1), then 1/2 for the waistband..Not sure about the measurements?
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