Thanks for visiting On the Cutting Floor today!This is the FREE SEWING TUTORIAL: Insulated Car Seat Organizer
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Car Seat Organizer
I have created this car seat organizer with an insulated backing that will keep my son’s snacks and milk fresh and cool for him. For the pattern, please visit my store at Craftsy by clicking the blue button below
I have created this car seat organizer with an insulated backing that will keep my son’s snacks and milk fresh and cool for him. For the pattern, please visit my store at Craftsy by clicking the blue button below

9. place the insul bright and the organizer facing together and sew along the edges. 10. Place the organizer with the facing together, right sides facing and stitch around the edges again. Leave a 4 inches opening to turn around. 11. Close the opening and put the contrasting bias tape around the edges.
And it is done!!!
Thanks for reading this tutorial.

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